This $16 Ballpark Dog Is Going To Blow Your Mind

I’ve recently gone on a hunt for the best ballpark food in the world and I think we may have found a contender for the crown!

We recently made our way to the White Sox Stadium where we’d heard rumblings of a legend. A dog so big, so covered in greatness, so magnificent, that only those worthy would be able to finish it.

We searched the hallowed grounds until we finally found it up on the fifth level of the stadium. The legendary Belgian Banger!

One third pound of spicy polish sausage on a Bavarian pretzel bun, with sweet orange carnalized onions, red cabbage slaw, and topped with crispy chopped bacon. All that makes up an incredible $16 dog that will challenge most men’s fortitude to take it down.

This was a super team of ingredients and it worked. Every bite delectable. Every moment cherished. Is it the best dog in the country? I think it might be. It’s definitely in the top 5 and no doubt worth trying.

But hey, there’s only so much you can learn from this blog, why don’t you check out the actually food review on Youtube? You can actually hear the moans of pleasure that this polish sausage gives out. It’s incredible.